Using GIM Suite 5
Learn the fundamental concepts and tasks to get started with acQuire GIM Suite 5. This online unit comprises videos and practice simulations.
When you have completed this unit, you have the option to take the Using GIM Suite 5 Quiz to test your learning. Successful completion of the quiz is a prerequisite to all subsequent learning units, if you wish to continue your learning journey.
To start this unit, login to the Online Learning portal >
Who should attend?
New acQuire GIM Suite users.
Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the role played by the GIM Suite and the GIM Solution in geoscientific information management.
2. Discuss the concept of a database and the purpose of the acQuire Data Model (ADM).
3. Recognise the fundamental components of the acQuire 4 and Arena interface and their purpose.
4. Use acQuire 4 objects and tools for your different data management needs.
5. Use tasks in Arena to discover, enter, share, print and export data.
You can participate in this unit at one of these upcoming courses:
Learn at your own pace
Online learning
Ability to use the Microsoft or OpenOffice suite of software.