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22 Feb 2021 - Technology - EnviroSys, Technology - GIM Suite, Company & Industry News, Event News

3 big reasons to visit acQuire’s virtual booth at PDAC 2021

Make sure to visit us online at PDAC 2021

The acQuire team is heading to PDAC – virtually! The annual Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) annual international convention is one of the highlights on our calendar, even with a different format this year! For the first time ever PDAC is going completely virtual and we’re as excited as ever to connect with you all. Here’s some reasons why:

DISCOVER: Tech presentation series

If you’re working with geological or environmental data, make sure to visit acQuire’s booth while scrolling through the virtual Trade Show. You can register to discover what’s new across acQuire’s software solutions for geological data management and environmental data management through a comprehensive and engaging presentation series.

We’re showcasing upcoming GIM Suite release highlights packed with new features. You’ll be able to experience, firsthand, how the streamlined GIM Suite is making everything easier, across desktop, web and mobile for managing your geological data.

Have you heard about acQuire’s new environmental data management solution, EnviroSys? Find out how you can use this quality and compliance-focused software to efficiently manage any type of environmentally related data by signing up for one of our presentations.

We’ll have our team on hand to answer questions and chat to you one-on-one after each presentation.

View the full presentation schedule here >

NETWORK: Meet industry experts

We’re hosting an online industry panel discussion, due to popular demand. But also, talking full disclosure here, because we get so much out of these discussion sessions ourselves. The panel session starts on Tuesday at 11:30am (GMT-5) and data governance and compliance which is one of the main pillars of information management will be the hot topic.

Come along to hear:

  • Paul Murtagh – Director – Business Systems, Queensland’s Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
  • Steven Rowe – CEO and Founder, SRA Information Technology
  • Steve Mundell – Director of Product, acQuire

It’s been our observation these panels reveal a lot of information, as everyone speaks frankly and from a place of deep experience. You won’t want to miss it! Our team will be online post discussion if you wish to stay for a chat.

LEARN: Hear Cutting Edge talk

Elliot Flaig, Technology Adviser (and all-around nice guy) is presenting an online Cutting Edge talk on Thursday 11 March, 12:06pm – 12.11pm.

You’ll discover how the new enhancements to acQuire’s mobile data capture app, built for GIM Suite, results in faster and more efficient blasthole sampling. View the Cutting Edge program here.

Our team will be available through our live online chat throughout the conference and from different timezones so please say hi, we’d love to see you even if it’s in the virtual world. Head to our event page to find out everything you need to know about acQuire at PDAC 2020, here. We hope to see you there!

Want to know what’s happened previously at PDAC?

Listen to the 2021 panel discussion here >

Watch our video showcasing the power of geoscientific data management filmed at PDAC last year. How much has changed since last year? >


The acQuire team at PDAC convention 2021




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