acQuire Connected invited Austmine’s CEO, Christine Gibbs Stewart, to join us live from the Austmine 2017 conference in Perth. Austmine is a membership organisation representing the Australian Mining Equipment, Technology and Services sector.
She chats to us about the changes she’s noticed in mining and METS since the last conference in Brisbane in 2015 and how companies are starting to leverage technological innovation through partnerships and collaboration.
We discuss the role data plays in the mine of the future and more.
“Now what they’re focused on really, is looking at how they’re going to derive value through innovation and technology. They know they can’t do that by themselves. And so they are looking for METS sector partners to help them.”
“I think we all talk about the data deluge. We actually have too much data, but don’t know really what to do with it.”
”And I think that’s what the mine of the future is going to look like. It’s going to be connected.”
Andrew Scott, Senior Director, Innovation at Barrick Gold Corporation with acQuire’s Director of Product, Steve Mundell, live from Unearthed Toronto? Listen here >
Jason Dunning, Group Manager – Geology and Exploration at Nyrstar Mining chatting to us about the role data management plays in driving greater efficiencies in the resources industry? Listen here >
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