Steve Mundell, acQuire’s Director of Product, joins the acQuire Conneected podcast to talk about one of the largest mineral exploration industry conventions, PDAC 2019, and highlight what you can expect to learn about in relation to geoscience data software and trends in the industry.
We discuss…
“We can see there is this real and growing interest for change, and it’s complex, and it’s going to take time. It’s going to be these early adopters who are going to be pushing it along. I think there is a real appetite for improvement in digital effectiveness. There are so many case studies out there at the moment on successes around this and what it can do, and that’s only going to make things more accessible for organisations to start this transformation” – Steve Mundell
David Eden from Kinross Gold discusses trends in mineral exploration and technology from last year’s PDAC convention. Listen here >
Find out why a senior gold producing company takes data seriously in our podcast with Jenni Pfeiffer at Kinross Gold. Listen here >
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