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08 Oct 2018 - Technology - GIM Suite, Event News

Mastermind events to deliver first look at upcoming GIM Suite 4 release

acQuire customers are invited to be one of the first to discover the key features of the next software release, GIM Suite 4, by attending a special edition GIM Jam Mastermind.

The GIM Jam Mastermind events are platforms for database managers, geologists or any technical professional working with geoscience data in the global resources community to discover what’s new in geoscientific information management practices and technology.

The special edition events give attendees a first look at the upcoming software release, GIM Suite 4.

GIM Suite 4 puts acQuire customers on the road to the mine of the future by introducing a range of new features for smarter, streamlined geoscience data. It features an all-new web-based interface called Arena, which consolidates and builds upon capabilities previously spread across Neo Desktop and Neo Web. The new interface is a streamlined tool allowing database administrators to build interactive dashboards and reports for a better end-user experience.

In addition to the new interface, the upcoming release also features more flexible format options for scaled logs and more third party software integrations with technology partner products.

The special edition mastermind events are being hosted in key locations around the world. Locations include Perth, Santiago, Brisbane and Vancouver with the first event being held in Perth next week on 17 October.

If you are interested in learning more about the new features and networking with your GIM community, then head to our events and bookings page for full details. Registrations are now open for all four events.

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