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14 Aug 2023 - Learning

acQuire’s Learning Ecosystem Boosts Multiple Opportunities Over Long Career

Brandie Moseley has worked with acQuire’s geoscientific information management product, GIM Suite, since 2003. She says the learning pathways and resources from acQuire have been instrumental to her career and supported her efforts at multiple mine sites and during mergers and acquisitions. Now working for Hecla Mining Company in Nevada, Brandie credits the training courses and learning resources as an important part of her career trajectory.

Geology Database Manager Brandie Moseley has used GIM Suite for 20 years. Her first job was as a data analyst, fresh out of college with a bachelor of science degree. She had used Visual Basic but had never seen SQL. Over the years, most of her employers have been GIM Suite customers or have gained access to GIM Suite through mergers.

Fast-forward to 2023 and Brandie has taken all GIM Suite Learning pathways courses through to GIM Suite Professional ranking. Not only have they been essential for how she approaches her job, the courses have also helped her secure employment.

“A lot of companies want you to have the Practitioner level,” Brandie said.

“They ask for that because they want to know the people they’re hiring at least understand GIM Suite.

“It’s definitely an advantage for people looking for jobs.”

acQuire Learning Pathways
acQuire’s GIM Suite Learning courses form a pathway tailored to suit career and role aspirations. Once the basic concepts are mastered with the starter course, skills can be progressed further in higher-level courses designed for managing more complex scenarios.

Hiring managers give preference to acQuire’s product certifications

Brandie has hired multiple people over the years, at some of the world’s largest mining companies. Being product certified by acQuire was a preference for choosing a candidate. One reason is because new employees add value more quickly if they already have recognised learning units behind them.

“When filling database positions, I always want to find someone that has completed the basic Starter courses, at a minimum,” Brandie said.

“Someone who has taken the learning courses already understands the way GIM Suite works, how the data is designed.

“It takes out a level of the training you have to do with that new employee.

“You’re teaching them your processes and your configuration and not starting with the very basics of GIM Suite.”

Training speeds up onboarding for new employees

According to Brandie, onboarding is much faster for a geologist or geotechnician with a GIM Suite Learning certification. The bigger the operation, the more beneficial those skills are to potential employers.

“If you’re pulling somebody into an active mine, where you have multiple projects and 20 geologists and you have to hire a new person, you want them to be able to hit the ground running,” Brandie said.

“It still takes time for them to get a good feeling for the data, but you can get right to work on your own data and skip all the introductory training.”

Personal development accelerated with self-paced learning units

Brandie relies on acQuire’s regularly updated learning resources to keep her skills up to date with new changes in the GIM Suite product. She finds the Knowledge Base information useful, especially when she encounters a new or different situation to what she’s experienced in the past.

“The product is changing so fast. I read the help content and have taken the self-paced courses. acQuire is adding more flexibility into the product so you have to keep up to date with the new changes,” Brandie said.

Brandie has often attended acQuire’s in-person, classroom learning units but now enjoys the additional options for virtual classrooms and online learning for self-paced training. The courses fit in well with her schedule and don’t require time out of office or incur travel expenses.

“The self-paced courses are good. I enjoy them because I can do them at my leisure. For me, that’s way easier than doing a traditional class because I can do it in my free time, which is a lot easier for my schedule.”

Using acQuire’s software support services

Keeping on top of product updates and new releases is important for Brandie’s work. She relies on information about new versions to help plan upgrades and workflow improvements to Hecla’s GIM solution.

“If I see a new tool or a new function that’s coming out, I get super excited because I want to implement it as soon as possible, especially if it’s going to be helpful to something specific we’re doing,” Brandie said.

The support team at acQuire also assist with overall knowledge of GIM Suite and provide valuable information about the product and what’s coming.

“If I put in a Support Request for something that I just can’t figure out, the support team supplements the Learning resources,” Brandie said.

“I can ask them questions about new versions, or they give me helpful pointers in addition to what’s in the Knowledge Base articles.”

The Knowledge Base provides a breadth of information related to acQuire products, including how-to articles, technical resources, and online help for in-product assistance.

Career advancement is a key benefit of acQuire’s learning solutions

acQuire’s learning certifications have been important to Brandie’s career development.

“With acQuire’s training, I’ve been able to progress to the level that I’m a manager now just because of the GIM Suite Learning courses I’ve taken,” Brandie said.

“At a previous job, everybody’s skills were evaluated during a merger. I was the one chosen to do the advanced training because my skills were the best. Other people had experience using GIM Suite but the training helped my career advance a lot.

“When I interviewed with Hecla, that was one of the things that they were interested in was that I’d had so much experience with GIM Suite and taken acQuire’s certifications. It has helped a lot with my career to get where I am at now.”

Using acQuire’s Knowledge Base every day

As a longtime GIM Suite user, Brandie has watched the product evolve. She uses the online help daily to search for functionality and learn new ways to use the product. She appreciates the ability the learning resources provide to work independently and plan workflows.

“If I can keep up on the updates, especially reading information about what’s in the new version or when the new version’s coming out, I can decide if it’s valuable for us to upgrade now or wait,” Brandie said.

“If I want to find a better way to do something, or if I feel like I’m missing something, I’ll look and see if I can figure out a different way of doing it. acQuire usually has what I need.

“Being able to use their learning portal is a big help.

“I’ve seen GIM Suite grow and change and become more robust, and I think where it’s going is great.”

acQuire Knowledge Base

Getting started with learning acQuire’s products

As a long-term customer of acQuire, Brandie understands the value provided by acQuire’s training and development resources. Users of acQuire technology are able to act as independently as they want or get help from multilingual support teams in multiple time zones. Product certification training is available in styles to suit the individual, including in-person units, self-paced units and online training units.

In addition, the acQuire Knowledge Base has a multitude of information to help people learn about new releases, explore product features, learn different ways of using their products, and troubleshoot problems they may be having.

The learning doesn’t stop with courses and Knowledge Base content. One of the most valuable opportunities for acQuire customers is in-person events which bring product communities together to share ideas, make suggestions and recommendations, and meet acQuire product teams. These include the acQuire Connect Tech conference, Mastermind sessions, and webinars.

If you’d like to experience some of the benefits Brandie Moseley has experienced in her career, get in touch with acQuire to find out more about our software-specific learning options. We have a mix of training platforms and delivery techniques to complement any schedule or learning style.


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